International Relocation Services

International Relocation Services

IRS Relo is a company specialized in national and international moves providing terrestrial transport, by sea and by air.

Household goods move management services working with screened, high quality professional movers throughout the country and internationally. Volume discounts and benefits to individual movers and corporations. Personal Move Consultant guides customers through the move. Auto transport services.

Fully integrated relocation solutions for corporations and employees. Call us!

Phone: +40.0725.176.622

International Relocation Services

Enhance employee satisfaction and productivity with international relocation services to help individuals and families get settled and feel at home.

Our main goal is to provide our customer with the best service possible, based on quality and sympathy. When the service is over we want to proudly say: „our work is done, well done”.

IRS Relo provides international moving services designed to solve your mobility needs. Our worldwide network of international movers can help with every step of your relocation.

Certified move managers are trained to provide you with professional, courteous and efficient customer service. We perform thousands of international moves every year. Our network delivers superior service across the globe. Helping assignees assimilate into their host countries faster and easier, around the clock and around the world.

As an independent move management company, IRS Relo is not encumbered by affiliations or reciprocation agreements. Independence allows IRS Relo to select the best resource for each stage of every move. The selection criteria for IRS Relo’s supplier partners will always be service excellence and competitive pricing.

We Offer The Highest Quality Moving Services With Over 10 Years Of Experience.

Embarking on an international move? Let your global journey begin with a single step. Relocation services, employee relocation or workforce mobility with a range of internal business processes to transfer employees, families, and/or entire departments of a business to a new location.

At IRS Relo, the world is small! From anywhere to anywhere, we can pack, transport and deliver to the destination of your choice. We promise to make it a stress-free moving process.

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